Democracy Live provides election administration services and voting technology solutions to over 96 countries. The goal is to provide voting tools and voting information to everybody, so that they can be well-prepared for election day.
Black Antelope was selected as Democracy Live’s design and engineering partner for some new web-based applications. Straw Poll which was built on Drupal, was deployed leading up to the 2016 US presidential election. LiveBallot is a highly-interactive website and social network for all constituents of the political process, and is based on Google’s Go (golang) language for the back-end, and Angular for the front-end.

Black Antelope worked closely with Democracy Live to design and develop LiveBallot, which is a platform for researching and comparing candidates and issues, and saving and sharing ballot choices. In addition to design and programming, we provided a lot of project managment and product design, and worked fast to deploy the site in time to be useful during the 2016 US presidential election.